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TOPIK Writing Evaluation Policies + Examples

All the following information is freely available on numerous TOPIK websites, some with analysis. The following is a basic Beginner level (초급) rubric. This one doesn’t include “Formality of Language Use” like the Intermediate and Advanced rubrics do.

writing evaluation

TOPIK Writing Evaluation

Content and Task Completion (9 marks) – 내용 및 과제 수행 (9점)

Evaluates whether the student included demanded contents and performed the given task well.

  1. 글의 주제에 맞게 글을 완성하였는가? – Has he/she understood the given task?
  2. 제시된 내용을 모두 포함하고 있는가? – Does the essay content have all the points asked (generally 3)?
  3. 내용을 풍부하고 다양하게 표현하였는가? – Is the essay content coherent?

Essay Development and Structure (6 marks) – 글의 전개 구조 (6점)

Evaluates whether the student used proper paragraph structure and composed the paragraph cohesively.

  1. 글의 시작과 마무리를 적절하게 구성하였는가? – Is the essay development natural/smooth?
  2. 내용의 전환에 따라 문단을 적절히 구성하였는가? – Is the beginning and end proper?
  3. 각 문단의 분량을 적걸히 배분하였는가? – Are the sentences structured in a proper and natural way?
  4. *단락 간의 연결이 긴밀하며 자연스러운가?

Language Use (12 marks) – 언어 사용 (12점)

1. Vocabulary (4 marks) – 어휘 (4점)

Evaluates whether the student used precise, proper, and fluent vocabulary.

  • (초급/중급/고급) 수준의 어휘를 다양하고 적절하게 하용하였는가? – Has he/she used (beginner/intermediate/advanced) level vocabulary correctly?
2. Grammar (5 marks) – 문법 (5점)

Evaluates whether the student used precise, proper, and fluent grammar.

  • 문법적으로 올바른 문장으로 글을 구성하였는가? – Has he/she written grammatically correct sentences?
3. Spelling (3 marks) – 맞춤법 (3점)

Evaluates whether the student spelled correctly.

  • 맞춤법, 띄어쓰기 등이 어법에 맞는가? – Are spelling, spacing, etc, correct?

*Formality (3 marks) – 사회언어학적 기능 (3점)

Evaluates whether the student used proper register according to the genre of the written language.

  • 구어적 특징이 드러나는 어휘나 문법 표현(구어체 종결어미, 구어 어휘, 조사 생략, 단문 나열)들을 사용하지 않고 문어에 적절한 어휘나 문법 표현들을 구사하였는가?

*The starred parts don’t seem to be included on the Beginner rubric.

Excellent Writing Samples

Now, let’s take a look at some excellent TOPIK Writing samples. I think you can get a good feel for what the graders are looking for by going over some previous TOPIK papers and the sample answers that are included.

The following are the sample essays from the 30th TOPIK (April 21, 2013).

초급 Beginner Sample Essay

제30회 Question:

여러분은 ¹무슨 일을 합니까? ²무엇을 좋아합니까? ³왜 한국어를 공부합니까? 자기를 소개해 보십시오. (2013.4.22)

제30회 Sample Answer:

30th TOPIK Beginner Sample Essay

중급 Intermediate Sample Essay

제30회 Question:

여러분은 다른 사람의 능력 중에서 가지고 싶은 능력이 있습니까? ‘내가 가지고 싶은 능력’이라는 제목으로 글을 쓰십시오. 단, 아래에 제시한 내용이 모두 포함되어야 합니다. (2013.4.22)

  1. 어떤 능력을 가지고 싶은가?
  2. 왜 그 능력을 가지고 싶은가?
  3. 그 능력이 생기면 무엇을 하고 싶은가?
제30회 Sample Answer:

30th TOPIK Intermediate Sample Essay

고급 Advanced Sample Essay

제30회 Question:

학교에서는 음악이나 미술과 같은 교육이 이루어지고 있습니다. 이러한 예술 교육이 왜 필요하다고 생각합니까? 이에 대한 자신의 견해를 서술하십시오. 단, 아래에 제시한 내용이 모두 포함되어야 합니다. (2013.4.22)

< 예술 교육의 필요성 >

  1. 예술 교육이 왜 필요한가?
  2. 예술 교육을 통해 얻을 수 있는 효과는 무엇인가?
제30회 Sample Answer:

30th TOPIK Advanced Sample Essay

Does this help you better understand what’s expected of you on TOPIK Writing? Will you read through additional sample essays to prepare?

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2 thoughts

  1. Hello. In new tests do we write the subject/theme above? and when do we use ㄴ다/다 at the end of sentence? sometimes it’s ㄴ다 sometimes it’s 다 I’m confused.

    1. Each TOPIK test will have different themes and subject matter. These provided above are only samples to get you thinking.

      For ㄴ다/다, if the verb/adjective ends with a vowel (가다 for example, add ㄴ다 = 간다). If the verb/adjective ends with an add just 다 (먹다 for example would just be 먹다).

      BUT, be careful as there are DIFFERENT rules for different tenses (past, present, future) of verbs/adjectives and in some cases, your 먹다 may become 먹는다 or something different. Basically, you should get a good grammar book and study through all the grammar in a progressive order so that the concepts build upon each other. I recommend Korean Grammar In Use.

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